
Jul 27, 2010

"This Old House" warns of end of civilization; that's a tough renovation

This Old House is looking for those new faces, according to the Hartford Courant. Yes, the perennial pubcasting fave is putting out a casting call for painters and electricians, particularly those in New England. Perhaps the show is bracing for the upcoming rebuilding efforts after the end of the world. Yes, tucked between stories on its home page including "How to Install a Solar Attic Fan" and "Lawn-Less Yard Solutions," is this terrifying headline: "10 U.S. Cities That Could Disappear Tomorrow." Egad. "We're not talking about a couple of feet of water in your basement or a tree down in the yard," it says. "We're talking about your home obliterated." Click the link and there's another headline: "The End of the World as We Know It." (No, we are not making this up.) Continuing into the story: "As This Old House found out, no matter where you live, you can't escape from the forces of nature. Read on to see how, in just the blink of an eye, entire American cities could be wiped off the face of the Earth." As one commenter quipped, "Get out your duct tape and caulk, people."

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