
Apr 3, 2009

PBS Dues Task Force beginning work on FY11

Next week PBS stations should begin receiving requests for input for the network's Dues Review Task Force. John King, the task force chair, reported at this week's PBS board meeting there will be a new dues model for the 2011 fiscal year. "The principle focus of meetings now is to define the purpose, scope and principles of the review," he told the board. The group is examining dues models used by other organizations as well as PBS. The next face-to-face meeting will be June 7, probably in Washington. Public comments will be allowed. King realizes the tough job ahead. "Any time you look at dues for PBS it's always tricky," he told Current. "It's never easy to come up with dues models that all 174 licensees can embrace and accept. It's my hope that we come as close as we can." FY2010 dues will remain at 2009 levels.

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