Oct 25, 2011

Tips for tracking social media's impact in public radio newsrooms

As more public media stations adopt social media for news reporting and user engagement, their next and more difficult challenge is to analyze the success of these efforts. Kim Bui, social media specialist and community editor for Southern California Public Radio/KPCC, has developed an aggressive methodology for tracking the impact of the station's social media work, according to IMA blogger Amanda Hirsch, who interviewed Bui in a recent Q&A.

"We use metrics to back up a lot of decisions," Bui says. "We track as much as we can about how we use social media, using any method we can. We use Chartbeat, Google Analytics, Facebook Insights and software called Argyle Social to track almost everything we do socially - from the Twitter and Facebook widgets we put on the SCPR site to how far a particular story was taken socially." The process can be "painful" and time-consuming, she says, but also very helpful in demonstrating social media's potential to the newsroom.

Bui is a self-described journalism nerd and co-founder of #wjchat, the weekly Twitter chat for web journalists.

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