Mar 7, 2011

Ron Schiller exiting NPR for Aspen Institute

NPR Foundation President Ron Schiller has taken a new job as director of the Aspen Institute Arts Program and Harman-Eisner Artist-in-Residence Program. Schiller, who joined NPR in September 2009, worked to build fundraising collaborations between NPR and member stations through projects such as Impact of Government. Schiller starts his new position on April 1, and will work out of the Institute's offices in Aspen, Colo., where he has lived on at least a part-time basis since 2006.


  1. No coincedence there, I am sure

  2. My, what convenient timing.

  3. Why would someone in Ron's position leave such a great job at NPR? Oh yea he embarassed himself & displayed his bigotry toward America on camera.

  4. Always need another 'intellectual elite' amongst us proles.

  5. Read the Aspen Institutes mission statement. Ought be interesting to see how he fits in now!
