Feb 19, 2011

House passes Continuing Resolution, zeroing out $460 million in CPB funding

At 4:30 a.m. today (Feb. 19) the House approved a huge package of spending cuts, slashing more than $60 billion that included a $460 advance appropriation for CPB. The vote: 235 to 189, along party lines. John Boehner (R-Ohio) did not vote, as is tradition for Speaker of the House. Three Republicans opposed the Continuing Resolution. Cuts total some $60 billion in spending from last year's levels in many domestic programs. The CR now goes to the Senate, where and Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.), called the cuts "draconian." Amendment 436 from Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.), co-chair of the bipartisan Public Broadcasting Caucus, would have salvaged CPB's funding but was gaveled down just before midnight Feb. 16 on a procedural decision.


  1. Corporation for Public Broadcasting has operated in a wasteful manner at the expense of the taxpayer for years and its time to face reality now.

  2. Documented proof, wingnut teabagger moron--and NewsMax and Drudge don't count.

    And why do you continue to refuse to sign your name? What are you trying to hide?
