Jul 20, 2010

Survey for CPB: Have some journalists working there?

CPB has ordered up a headcount of journalists working at both public TV and radio stations to serve as a baseline for monitoring future employment levels. Station execs will receive questionnaires later this month from a team of consultants working with Public Radio News Directors Inc., hired by CPB to handle the survey. PRNDI hired Michael Marcotte, Ken Mills and Steve Martin to do the survey, working with a research adviser, Hofstra University media-industry scholar Robert Papper. To induce replies by the survey deadline of Aug. 6, the team will give respondents a shot at winning a highly tactile new iPad touch-screen tablet.


  1. I'd also like to know: How many of the 350 or so U.S. public tv stations have a nightly news broadcast? Can it be counted on one hand, or two?

    So the reality is we are dealing with executive salaries that are often high AND there is, system-wide, no news to speak of.

    These are not just areas that "need work". This situation is reprehensible and proof that local stations need direct citizen oversight, not just "advice".

    --Scott Sanders, Chicago

  2. Hey Steve -- thanks for posting this note about the "Census of Journalists in Public Radio and TV." Just want to emphasize one thing: It's a Census, not a Survey. Subtle difference, perhaps, but we're literally listing every news position at every public radio and TV station!
    -- M. Marcotte
