Sep 24, 2009

Senate committee OKs satellite act

The Senate Judiciary Committee today approved the Satellite Television Modernization Act of 2009. Among other things, the legislation allows for the importation of signals into markets that lack a network affiliate. Larry Sidman, president of the Association of Public Television Stations, complimented the committee “for acting quickly and wisely on providing a much-needed legislative solution to allow state public television networks to reach all their state residents with important news and public affairs programming.”

Now playing online: PBS Emmy winners

Several of PBS's recent Emmy winners are now streaming online at the PBS Video site. There's Masterpiece's "Little Dorrit," Nova's "A Walk to Beautiful," POV's "Inheritance" and Between the Lions.

Fire damages New Hampshire PubTV

Firefighters had to make two trips to extinguish a blaze sparked by a generator at New Hampshire Public Television in Durham, reports The Union Leader in Manchester. The emergency crew had to cut a hole in the roof to put out the fire. The generator had been running for several hours due to a power failure.

Latest income source for filmmakers: "Documercials"

Creating short website "documercials" for commercial businesses is a growing way for documentary filmmakers to supplement their income, according to The Independent. The story cites numbers from Kelsey Group, an advertising research firm, that in 2007, small businesses spent $10.9 million on Internet video ads and that's projected to hit $1.5 billion in 2012. "The trend also focuses on portraying a company’s corporate message in a more sincere format," it notes. So more companies are turning to docmakers for their unique approach to subjects.