Jul 11, 2009

Pubcasting provided USA Network CEO with valuable experience

Newsweek reports that USA Network CEO Bonnie Hammer's first TV job was in 1974 at WGBH on Infinity Factory. Among her duties, the mag says: "Scooping up excrement from one of the show's costars, a sheepdog."

PRDMC crowd hears of KPLU online successes

This year's Public Radio Development and Marketing Conference has wrapped up in San Diego. Keith York of KPBS, who covered it for his PMD site, reports that "The Skinny on Online Sponsorship" was one interesting session. In it, KPLU in Seattle/Tacoma reported it's made $250,000 off its Around the House webpage, where listeners interact and experts lend advice to homeowners. Also successful is its Buy Local page, with five sponsors so far, that touts locally produced foods. The "advertorial" content is created by the underwriting staff. (For more on online sponsorship models, see Current's October 2008 story.) Now that the confab is over, Current is waiting to hear who won the two free trips: Nine days on Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, and a Christmas market tour of Salzburg, Linz, Vienna and Prague. Pretty sweet giveaways!