Mar 23, 2009

Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania ...

Here's a Q&A with Kathleen Pavelko, CEO and president of WITF in Central Pennsylvania, in which she discusses not only her upcoming fight to save $900,000 in state funding but also the station's controversial new 75,000-square-foot headquarters -- which cost $26.9 million.

Kansas defeats pubcasting funding shift

The Kansas House today voted down a motion that would have transferred the state's entire $2.1 million in public broadcasting operating grants to home-based services for citizens with disabilities, according to The Kansas City Star. Rep. Virgil Peck offered the motion, which would have been an amendment to the budget bill. He said Kansas has more more critical services to fund than public TV and radio. The measure was defeated 42-74.

Celebrating Sesame Street guest songs

The staff at ("The Place for Music Makers") details its fave songs by guest stars during the 40 years of Sesame Street. Videos on the site include Johnny Cash as "Johnny Trash" singing Nasty Dan to Oscar the Grouch.

Colorado initiates special campaign

Colorado Public Radio is creating a "Drive to Thrive: Campaign of Confidence" to generate revenue to meet its revised membership budget of $1.6 million for the fiscal year, reports Denver's Westward blog. Sue Coughlin, station v.p., details the plans in a letter to staffers: "Activities will include customized mail and telemarketing appeals, campaign-related promos, a $100,000 member challenge, targeted major donor solicitations, a timely web presence and a few additional days of on-air fund raising. The Campaign of Confidence will begin in earnest on April 1st and continue through June 30th with a final countdown during our June Drive. Leading up to the June Drive, we will have two short mini campaigns -- one day of fund-raising on April 22nd and a two day effort May 13th & 14th."