Feb 23, 2009

Fund raising during a recession

As the public broadcasting system well knows, raising money during a severe recession is a daunting challenge. The Chronicle of Philanthropy's special report, Raising Money in Hard Times, details 10 strategies that nonprofits are using to continue to bring in funds.

White spaces locator site launches

A new website may be of use to TV stations to verify their digital coverage areas. The "white spaces" locator site, ShowMyWhiteSpace.com, retrieves FCC database information daily for its updates. Last fall the FCC authorized the use of the white spaces between TV channels for mobile broadband, radios and other devices. Broadcasters protested those devices may interfere with DTV reception.

Former CNN anchor to helm WNET doc

Miles O’Brien, a 16-year CNN veteran and Peabody award winner, will anchor and report for the WNET program A Tale of Three Cities, a segment of the Blueprint America project that focuses on American infrastructure. The show features what Portland, Denver, and New York are doing to meet the challenges of their crumbling infrastructures.

Do 'high ideals' hinder public broadcasting?

"Nonprofit media continues to hold itself out as a beacon in today's media world, which is dominated by ever-coarsening public dialogue," writes Jonathan Berr in AOL's Daily Finance site. "These high ideals, however, may not be compatible with the current fiscal reality."