May 28, 2008

Rose steps beyond public radio

After seven years as president of North Carolina Public Radio (WUNC-FM), the Raleigh News & Observer reports, Joan Siefert Rose is moving out of public radio to run the Council for Entrepreneurial Development, a long-established nonprofit that encourages "high-impact, high-growth" companies in the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill region. Rose came to WUNC in 2001 after four years as p.d. of Michigan Radio in Ann Arbor.

WHYY's On Canvas is what it "should be doing"

WHYY's new weekly arts show On Canvas, which premieres tonight on its digital arts channel, is "just the kind of thing the big public station in the nation's fourth-largest TV market should be doing: a showcase of the variety of performing arts in the region," writes Philadelphia Inquirer TV critic Jonathan Storm. He lauds the program for not crowding performances--a banjo gathering, classical Arab music, a Native American flute player, a local singer-songwriter--with interviews and explanation.