Jan 28, 2008

Summit for state ed officers and pubTV

Rob Lippincott, PBS’s senior v.p., education, is urging stations to invite their states' chief public school officers to a Council of Chief State School Officers executive summit about educational media (scroll down to third item) in New York March 6, preceding WNET’s Teaching & Learning Celebration. The third annual Celebration, March 7-8, will offer 90 workshops for teachers plus such events as a forum on future schooling, moderated by Judy Woodruff. For info on the summit: Scott Frein, CCSSO, 202-336-7015.

Indecency police are on patrol

Images of a nude woman's backside, broadcast in February 2003 before 10 p.m. on ABC stations in the Central and Mountain time zones, prompted the FCC to fine the network $1.43 million, the maximum allowed at the time. "We find that the programming at issue is within the scope of our indecency definition because it depicts sexual organs and excretory organs--specifically an adult woman's buttocks," the FCC wrote in a decision issued on Friday.