Sep 18, 2007

Latinos plan protests of The War

"Four protests of [Ken] Burns' documentary at local PBS stations are planned Sunday in California; a Capitol rally is to be held in Austin, Texas; others will hold exhibits, commemoration days and panel discussions in their cities," reports the AP on Latino groups' continuing opposition to Burns' 15-hour PBS series The War, which premieres Sunday evening.

City Attorney posts documents from KPBS

San Diego City Attorney Michael Aguirre, who requested public records from KPBS after it cancelled the public affairs show Full Focus, explained his actions in a recent press release: "Since the public records request was made public by KPBS, I've received more citizen concerns questioning whether KPBS is fulfilling its responsiblity as a public broadcasting station for the people. In addition, the Editors Rondtable's [a KPBS weekly radio program] regular opinon-maker is the Union-Tribune's Editorial Director, and people have expressed concern that the newspaper already enjoys a virtual monopoly on editorial content disseminated to the citizens of San Diego." (The documents obtained by Aguirre can be downloaded from his website under "Significant Reports and Legal Documents.")