Apr 20, 2007

CPB Board member Ernest Wilson now a dean

Ernest James Wilson III, a CPB Board member, was named dean of the University of Southern California's Annenberg School for Communication on Thursday, the USC Daily Trojan reported. He is a visiting professor of public diplomacy at Annenberg and a faculty member at the University of Maryland. He succeeds Geoffrey Cowan, who was also a Democratic member of the CPB Board.

And the Webby Award nominees include

Register and vote by April 27 for the annual Webby People's Voice Awards. Nominees connected with public TV and radio include:

PBS Kids Sprout cable channel's Sprout Diner in Family/Parenting;

NPR.org in News and in Radio;

the NPR Podcast Directory in Podcasts;

Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly in Religion;

NPR's This I Believe in Religion;

Nova scienceNow in Science;

P.O.V. in Television; and

Curious George in Youth.

The public chooses the People's Voice Awards, while the 500-plus members of the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences choose the Webby Award winners in a parallel competition. Both sets will be announced in June.