Mar 19, 2007

The latest squirmish over "The War"

PBS Ombudsman Michael Getler reports and comments on criticism that The War, the Ken Burns documentary series debuting in September, ignores the contributions and sacrifices made by Hispanic-Americans during World War II. "[W]hat interests me most among the critical public statements, and the questions and criticisms raised by viewers in letters to me, is whether, during the six years of production, anyone did actually think about the Hispanic veterans," Getler writes.

On PBS, no Chiquita bananas for Curious George

Curious George, the top-rated PBS Kids show, is having trouble selling all of its underwriting slots, according to Advertising Age. Could part of the problem be that PBS prohibits product placement in its programs?

WNYC, PRI plan a.m. show

WNYC, Public Radio International and other partners plan to produce a morning show that will go up against NPR's Morning Edition and pursue a younger audience, reports the New York Times. "We have a vision of what we think is needed, and we think we are the right people to do it," says WNYC President Laura Walker. (More details from WNYC, via PRPD's blog.)