Nov 20, 2006

What Does Someone Believe? One Man Has the Answer - New York Times

A psychology professor who has analyzed NPR's "This I Believe" essays has found "that Southerners, men and people older than 65 were the most likely to talk about religion," says a New York Times article about the series.

Blogger finds pubcasting lacking from Web 2.0 perspective

"Why is former MTV VJ Adam Curry better at building community than radio and television stations that depend on the community for their very existence?" asks a blogger at LostRemote. "Public broadcasting online should be the ultimate long tail of user-contributed content, with a natural geographical cross matrix linking the affinity groups." (Via Technology360.)

Technology360: Classical music and the cod liver oil theory of broadcasting

"[I]t's unfair and bad statistical analysis to blame news for the diminishment of classical and jazz music and, worse, for the diminishment of civic engagement in our culture," writes Dennis Haarsager in his response to the National Endowment for the Arts study of classical music on public radio.

Frontline rebuts criticism of "A Hidden Life"

Last week's Frontline documentary examining the downfall of former Spokane, Wash., Mayor Jim West prompted complaints of factual errors by the editor of Spokesman-Review, whose own journalistic ethics and investigative tactics came under scrutiny in the program. Frontline rebutted the newspaper's criticism on its own discussion page. Producer Rachel Dretzin fielded questions about the documentary in an online chat.