Aug 29, 2006

Tomlinson accused of missteps in other federal gig

A State Department probe found that former CPB Chair Ken Tomlinson improperly gave a job to a friend in his continuing role as chair of the board that oversees Voice of America, the New York Times reported today. Investigators also allege that he supervised his horse racing stable from a government office. A two-page summary of the report said Tomlinson billed the government for more days of work than permitted, including days when he also billed hours to CPB. Three members of Congress, alerted by a whistleblower, asked for the probe in July.

Two different takes on "Waging a Living"

A study in contrasts: National Review Online and the New York Times review "Waging a Living," Roger Weisberg's P.O.V. film about the working poor.

Update on pubTV's digital rights working group

The task force charting a digital rights acquisition strategy for public TV posted a summary of its conclusions on the Affinity Group Coalition's website.

PBS pundit's label revisited

After the flap about misleading on-screen identification of "conservative commentator" Karen Czarnecki, Ombudsman Michael Getler and his readers offer PBS and producers of To the Contrary a few pointers on Journalism 101.

Spectrum auction nets close to $13.5 billion

The ongoing auction of reclaimed government spectrum for wireless services has shown the licenses to be even more valuable than some predicted, reports Broadcasting & Cable. With 1,004 of 1,122 licenses sold to high bidders such as Verizon and T-Mobile, the government has gained more than $13.4 billion for the treasury. An auction of reclaimed analog broadcast spectrum will happen in 2008.

KOCE bill attacked as a "scandal"

A former California Republican party official sees an "Orange County scandal" in a state legislature bill favoring pubTV station KOCE, which would "cheat" taxpayers and benefit the interests of the station's wealthy board members by allowing a community college district to sell the station to a nonprofit operator rather than accept the high bid of a religious broadcaster. The bill [text in PDF] would create an exception to state surplus-property law. The community college district is appealing the May court decision that voided the station's sale to a new pubTV licensee.