Aug 25, 2006

WQED-FM revises approach to classical format

WQED-FM in Pittsburgh is reducing the chatter during its classical music programming and making its selections more accessible to casual listeners, reports the city's Post-Gazette. "We've recommitted to the classical music format -- and to make sure every show we offer is speaking in a contemporary, welcoming, down-to-earth voice," says Susan Lyons, executive director.

LongmontFYI - NPR host wants science to be ‘sexy’

Ira Flatow, host of NPR's Talk of the Nation Science Friday, discussed media coverage of science at a biotech conference in Denver Wednesday. Check out the anecdote from Flatow's days at CBS: "You want me to wear a white lab coat, don't you?" Flatow has started a nonprofit, TalkingScience, to draw more attention to developments in science.