Aug 10, 2006

A decision to add radio shock jock Eric "Mancow" Muller as Chicago Tonight commentator riled up WTTW viewers, but Carol Marin told the Chicago Tribune she won't walk over the hiring. Comments posted on the Tribune's media blog suggest that many viewers were sufficiently disgusted to threaten to stop watching the show or contributing to the station. "Mancow is just a colicky pre-adolescent who seems to have an effect on other stunted adults who've never grown up," commented one viewer. "I teach seventh graders all day and the last thing I want to do is sit down and watch another one on WTTW."

Reynolds named president of Public Radio Partnership

Donovan Reynolds was named president of the Public Radio Partnership in Louisville, Ky., effective Sept. 6. Reynolds resigned as director of Michigan Public Media in Ann Arbor earlier this year after an embezzling scheme was uncovered at the station. He was not implicated in the affair but cited a need to "take responsibility" by stepping down.

Station Resource Group retreat

The Station Resource Group held its annual planning retreat this week. SRG's website features a few documents related to the event, including an overview of what was to be discussed.