Feb 8, 2006

NPR reports on a Class D high-school station in Massachusetts trying to protect its license from takeover by a California religiocaster.
The weekly cume audience for WVXU-FM in Cincinnati jumped by 35 percent after a switch to an all-news format last summer, reports the Cincinnati Post. "I don't think any of us expected such a great start for the new WVXU," said Richard Eiswerth, g.m.
This American Life's deal to produce a TV show requires the show's relocation to New York, reports the Chicago Reader — a change host Ira Glass says won't matter much. "I work 70 hours a week. Sometimes it feels like I'd be doing the same program if I lived on the space shuttle."
Michael Getler of PBS, Jeffrey Dvorkin of NPR and two other ombuds recently got together to chat with Marvin Kalb about their work and the state of the media. Quotes and blurry photos at FishbowlDC.
NPR has named Bill Marimow v.p. of news. Marimow joined the network in May 2004 as managing editor and recently served as acting news veep after the departure of Bruce Drake. His long career in journalism has included tenures at the Philadelphia Inquirer and the Baltimore Sun.
Al Lewis, who played Grandpa Munster on television's The Munsters and hosted a show on Pacifica's WBAI-FM in New York, died Friday at the age of 82, reports USA Today. Monday's Democracy Now featured an excerpt of a 1997 interview with Lewis. NPR commentator Andrei Codrescu also contributed a remembrance.
A commercial AM station in Buffalo, N.Y., is airing a mix of programming from Pacifica and Air America, reports the Billboard Radio Monitor.
Bill Marimow, v.p. of NPR News, explains why the network has not posted on its website the European cartoon that has offended Muslims around the world: "[T]he cartoon is so highly offensive to millions of Muslims that it's preferable to describe it in words rather than posting it on the Web." NPR Ombudsman Jeffrey Dvorkin sides with Marimow.