Jan 30, 2006

CPB announced production funding today for 20 of the 35 finalists in its America at a Crossroads initiative of 9/11-related films [RFP and lists of finalists]. Washington's WETA will package eight of the 20 as a series, CPB said.
Washington Week with Gwen Ifill will change its name Feb. 17, adding the words "and National Journal." The National Journal, an elite (subscriptions cost $1,800 a year) chronicler of the federal government, may someday share stories with the PBS program but will start as a partnership in marketing and fundraising, the New York Times reported today. Two National Journal advertisers, Boeing and Chevron, will join the program.
To make up for Congress's 1 percent rescission from this year's appropriation, the CPB Board juggled its budget Friday, moving $2.8 million to the Community Service Grant pool. The money comes from the "system support" part of CPB's budget, which also assist stations, covering some satellite and copyright costs.