Sep 7, 2005

Commercial TV veteran Paul La Camera was named g.m. of WBUR-FM in Boston. La Camera has served as president of a Boston ABC affiliate since 1994. He is WBUR's first permanent g.m. since Jane Christo resigned last fall. launched NerdTV, a web-exclusive weekly TV series from technology columnist Robert X. Cringely.
Accuracy in Media calls for an investigation into pubcasting's campaign this summer to restore $100 million in CPB funding.
The parent company of Minnesota Public Radio is backing a Friendster-like social networking website aimed at public radio listeners, reports the Minneapolis Star-Tribune.
The New York Times checks in with American Routes host Nick Spitzer as he prepares a post-Katrina episode of his show. "I wanted it to be music of reflection and solace and also hope, an attempt to put some balm on this," he says.