Jan 6, 2005

Tom Lix, founder of Public Interactive, is seeking investors for his latest venture, Bulldozer Camp. Billed as the "ultimate 'big toy' experience," the theme park in Washington State will give white-collar desk jockeys a shot at piloting construction gear and monster trucks.
Jeffrey Dvorkin calls NPR's tsunami coverage the day after the disaster "curiously distant and even callous." Dvorkin also addresses a controversy about the editing of David Sedaris' "Santaland Diaries," which is discussed at length on this weblog. (One commenter says he "ripped [Dvorkin] another one"; we hope for a speedy recovery.)
The board of directors of the Public Radio Partnership in Louisville, Ky., is considering replacing president Gerry Weston, according to the (Louisville, Ky.) Courier-Journal.
Tucker Carlson gets his own primetime series on MSNBC, and Crossfire, his expiring CNN gig, gets snuffed.