May 11, 2004

"It kind of bothers me two people are doing it, because they're going to do half my job," says Bob Edwards in the Seattle Times. "No one's ever going to know what my job was like."
Researchers at Ball State University's Center for Media Design found by observing a (small) sample of media consumers that Americans use media much more than they acknowledged in phone surveys. People used TV and online more than twice as much as indicated in phone surveys and used radio almost twice as much. Users' diaries yielded usage data closer to those obtained by observation. [PDF file of full study. Center for Media Design.] Thanks to and other postings.
Filmmaker Michael Moore calls Democracy Now host Amy Goodman a "national treasure" in the Buffalo News.
The Washington Post's Marc Fisher touches on the ongoing tussle between news and music programming on public radio.
In the New York Times Magazine, Ira Glass reflects on how the FCC's crusade for decency brings him closer to Howard Stern.
Alexander Acosta, assistant attorney general for civil rights, said the Justice Department reopened the 1955 Emmett Till murder case after recent films about the 1955 murder of Emmett Till, including Stanley Nelson's American Experience doc indicated that participants in the murder may still be living, AP reported. The films were Nelson's "The Murder of Emmett Till" and Keith A. Beauchamp's "The Untold Story of Emmett Till."