Mar 29, 2004

Alan Chartock, executive director of WAMC in Albany, N.Y. takes to his weblog to criticize what he calls NPR's "bone head play" in reassigning Bob Edwards.
Brian Lehrer, talk host at New York's WNYC, explains in Newsday why he chose to interview Jayson Blair: "I felt that a public purpose had been served by having Blair on. Unfortunately, it was served mostly by watching a man further sink his reputation, with his words and demeanor." (Via Romenesko.)
WOUB-FM in Athens, Ohio, dropped daytime classical music last week in favor of news, reports the Athens News.
Linda Ellerbee views Edwards' reassignment as a dis to boomers. A writer to the Washington Post also cites the "specter of ageism." More: former Rewind host Bill Radke in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and editorials in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, the St. Petersburg Times, the San Diego Union-Tribune and the Washington Post.