Mar 23, 2004

Sandra Tsing Loh will return to the Los Angeles airwaves--though with no profanity, even of the bleeped variety--on KPCC-FM, reports the Los Angeles Times (reg. req.).
Bob Edwards will leave Morning Edition April 30 to become a senior correspondent for NPR. He tells the Washington Post he would have preferred to stay with the show: "One day you change flavors at Baskin Robbins. I think that's what this is." Edwards discussed his job in a 1998 Current Q&A.
The National Endowment for the Arts is looking to commission a study of audience and programming trends in classical music on radio. (Word document.)
WETA President Sharon Rockefeller and doc film auteurs D.A. Pennebaker and Chris Hegedus will be honored April 22 by CINE, the filmmakers' organization announced.
Hiring former Baltimore Sun editor Bill Marimow as a managing editor will help NPR do "the kind of reporting that sets the agenda, gets under the surface," says network news veep Bruce Drake in the Sun. (Via Romenesko.) (NPR release on Marimow's hiring.)