Jan 16, 2004

Bill Siemering has created Developing Radio Partners, a nonprofit supporting independent local radio stations in burgeoning democracies. Board members include Jay Allison, Julia Barton and Corey Flintoff.
An FCC official says that a completed agency report headed for Congress includes recommendations on whether LPFMs could be sited closer to full-power stations, reports Radio and Records. [Earlier coverage in Current.]
A Seattle Weekly article about suicide revisits the death of Cynthia Doyon, a KUOW-FM host who killed herself last year. (Via Romenesko.)
If a lefty talk radio network succeeds, "maybe we could finally get Congress to stop using taxpayer dollars to subsidize NPR," says the Wall Street Journal. (Via Romenesko.)
Ira Glass makes Newcity Chicago's list of "10 Chicagoans We Love to Hate," with the author railing against "that nasally, whiney, apathetic drone affected by legions of Ira Glass wannabes clearing their throat, adjusting their horn-rims, with their microphone in the other hand." (Via Romenesko.)
Bill Davis of KPCC in Los Angeles says an inaccurate article about Joan Kroc's NPR gift hurt his station's recent pledge drive returns, reports the Christian Science Monitor.