Feb 26, 2003

New research from the Sesame Workshop reveals children worry more about the bully next door than Osama bin Laden, reports the Washington Post.
NPR has hired GetActive Software to provide member stations with fundraising software and e-marketing tools. PBS hired the company for the same purposes in March 2002.
NPR President Kevin Klose visited Baltimore to face critics of his network's Middle East coverage, reports the Sun. "There are people on all sides of this issue who want us to tell only their story using their names and their nomenclature -- and we're not going to do it," he said.
"We're always up front with the fact that this is advocacy journalism," says a producer at WPKN in Bridgeport, Conn., a community radio station profiled in the Hartford Courant.
NPR named Walt Swanston director of diversity management and Michael Riksen v.p. of national affairs.